Esame degli effetti di Video Modeling e Prompt per insegnare le abilità di vita quotidiana

Examining the Effects of Video Modeling and Prompts to Teach Activities of Daily Living Skills

Aldi C, Crigler A, Kates-McElrath K, Long B, Smith H, Rehak K, Wilkinson L.
Behav Anal Pract. 2016 May 20;9(4):384-388. doi: 10.1007/s40617-016-0127-y. eCollection 2016 Dec.
Video modeling has been shown to be effective in teaching a number of skills to learners diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In this study, we taught two young men diagnosed with ASD three different activities of daily living skills (ADLS) using point-of-view video modeling. Results indicated that both participants met criterion for all ADLS. Participants did not maintain mastery criterion at a 1-month follow-up, but did score above baseline at maintenance with and without video modeling. • Point-of-view video models may be an effective intervention to teach daily living skills. • Video modeling with handheld portable devices (Apple iPod or iPad) can be just as effective as video modeling with stationary viewing devices (television or computer). • The use of handheld portable devices (Apple iPod and iPad) makes video modeling accessible and possible in a wide variety of environments.