Insegnare ai genitori come creare con l'iPad training di imitazione con Video Modeling per i loro bambini con autismo

Teaching caregivers to implement video modeling imitation training via iPad for their children with autism.

Cardon TA
Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 1389-1400. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2012.06.002.
Children with autism fail to imitate from an early age and this lack of imitation is a salient diagnostic marker for the disorder. For children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), increased imitation skills appear to be related to increased skill development in a variety of areas. Video modeling was recently validated as a technique to support imitation acquisition in young children with autism. The purpose of this research was to determine if there is a functional relation between caregiver implemented Video Modeling Imitation Training (VMIT) via iPad and increased imitation skills in young children with autism. In addition, a secondary analysis of language development after exposure to VMIT was also conducted. A multiple baseline design across four caregivers and their children with autism was implemented. Results indicated that all four caregivers were able to successfully create video models on an iPad when provided with minimal training and implement VMIT with fidelity for their children. All four children made substantial gains in their imitation skills during caregiver implemented treatment. Imitation skills maintained post treatment and, to varying degrees, generalized to imitation of live models. Expressive language skills increased to varying degrees for all participants.